The ancient World
a short and simplified timeline
This is a brief overview of the length systems from the early Bronze Age in Mesopotamia to the Roman Empire.
According to the different timelines used in science (short and long), only the short and simplified temporal context is described here, therefore individual periods have been summarized. It also illustrates the possible transfer of units of measure between regions and civilizations.
- Obed or Tell Ubaid Period : ~ 5. to 4. millenium bc
- sumerian Period : ~ 3. millenium bc ~ Nippur 28th century bc / Gudea~ 22nd century bc
- akkadian : ~ 3. to 2. millenium bc
- babylonian until newbabylonian : ~2. to 1. millenium bc
- mesopotamian/persian later parthian also sometimes called artabian : ~1. millenium bc to 1st century ac
- greek : ~ 6th century bc to 2nd century ac
roman : ~ 1st century bc to 5th century ac
The Celtic Land Survey in "Leuga" (League) can be positioned between the : ~2. millenium bc to 1th century ac
the Egyptian (dynastic) periods arrange approximately in the following time : ~3rd millenium bc to 3rd century bc
- the megalithic structures are usually classified between the : ~5th to 4rd millenium bc
[ℹ] This list does not include all civilizations and their associated epochs. The times are only rough and essentially just include the particular use of the units of measurement for construction, geography and astronomy.

linear dimensions of the Obed or Ubaid Period:
linear dimensions of the sumerian (Nippur) Period:
linear dimensions of the sumerian/akkad (Gudea) Period:
linear dimensions of the egyptian Periods:
linear dimensions of the babylonian / neobabylonian Period:
linear dimensions of the mesopotamian / assyrian /parthian (artabian) Period:
linear dimensions of the greek Period:
linear dimensions of the egypt ptolomaic Period:
linear dimensions of the roman Period: